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Dyehouse of fabrics and jersey

The dyehouse of fabrics and jersey represents the first historic department of the company, having been founded in 1988.
Over the years it has been periodically enriched thanks to the addition of new machinery and processes, arriving today to provide a wide range of possibilities, including wide and rope dyeing, overflow, jet, basket and airo treatments, compaction of fabrics and knitted fabrics.

Via Traversa Il Crocifisso, 26/H - Prato (PO) - CAP 59100
Cap. Soc. €310.000,00
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Tel. - 0574 621622 Fax - 0574 622640
R.E.A. Prato - 408801   Reg. Soc. Trib. Prato - 15183
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA - 01521180974

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