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The use of renewable energy

Tintoria Fratelli Pratesi owns two photovoltaic systems installed on the roofs of its factories. All the energy produced is used in the processing cycles and the self-produced energy represents about 30% of the total annual electricity requirement.

The exploitation of this renewable source, combined with the use of recycled water equal to 90% of the total requirement and the control and traceability of all the products used in the manufacturing processes, allows us to be counted among the most sensitive and active companies in environmental field at an international level.


Two photovoltaic systems

90% recycled water

Complete product traceability

Via Traversa Il Crocifisso, 26/H - Prato (PO) - CAP 59100
Cap. Soc. €310.000,00
E-mail -
Tel. - 0574 621622 Fax - 0574 622640
R.E.A. Prato - 408801   Reg. Soc. Trib. Prato - 15183
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA - 01521180974

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