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The policy for sustainability

Tintoria Fratelli Pratesi applies the Chemical Management 4sustainability® Protocol for eliminating toxic and harmful substances in production through the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals - ZDHC MRSL.


The Protocol implementation ensures compliance with a set of production process management requirements by the company and its supply chain aimed at eliminating toxic and harmful chemicals.


The implementation level of 4S® Protocol (Basic, Advanced, Excellence) is verified every year through a quantitative and qualitative assessment tool whose purpose is to check whether requirements relating the organization, process mapping, chemical inventory evaluation, production traceability, training, etc. have been applied and to which extent.


4sustainability® is the Process Factory brand that certifies the adoption by fashion and luxury companies of the sustainability roadmap.

Via Traversa Il Crocifisso, 26/H - Prato (PO) - CAP 59100
Cap. Soc. €310.000,00
E-mail -
Tel. - 0574 621622 Fax - 0574 622640
R.E.A. Prato - 408801   Reg. Soc. Trib. Prato - 15183
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA - 01521180974

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Certified by ICEA
ICEA - TX - 2418

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